Bryan Jensen Quoted in MHI Solutions Volume 9

As more of our economy reopens amidst lessening fears of the pandemic, employers are making decisions about opening their offices to employees. Where some fear a decrease in culture and collaboration, others see opportunity for increased productivity and ability to attract new talent. In the recently-released MHI Solutions Volume 8, Issue 3, David Coburn asked top industry experts such as St. Onge Company’s Bryan Jensen what their plans are for re-opening workplaces.

“I’m pretty sure we’re never going to go back to what we were,” said Bryan Jensen, chairman and executive vice president of MHI member St. Onge Company, a supply chain strategy and logistics consulting firm. “I don’t think there will be as many people or as many hours spent in the office as there used to be. There may be as many people using the office but perhaps not on a full-time basis.”

“The key for me, and the key for our organization, is we need to listen to our workforce, in part because our workforce is our product,” said Jensen. “We’re consultants, our people are our product, the capabilities and skills they have are what we sell. So we need to be able to accommodate them such that we can still serve our clients’ best interests while maintaining our employees’ best interests at the same time.”

Click here to read the article on the digital version of MHI Solutions!

St. Onge

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