St. Onge Quoted in Modern Materials Handling

Norm Saenz and Don Derewecki, both of St. Onge Company, were quoted in a recent article for Modern Materials Handling. The article, written by Michael Levans, discusses the impact of the pandemic on warehouse and DC investments. Norm and Don discuss how automation and other factors can help companies enhance their supply chains.

“I believe companies may look to hold more inventory,” adds Saenz, “and this would result in companies looking for additional warehouse space and more labor, so they’ll be turning to 3PLs. However, since I believe there’s going to be a lot of companies looking to revitalize their supply chains, each company will have their own journey to define the areas of operation that need to be strengthened.”

Click here to read the article on Modern Materials Handling!

St. Onge

Are you Really Ready for Automation?

The pressure to automate distribution center operations is intensifying as businesses adapt to meet the rising customer expectations for faster, more accurate, and cost-effective deliveries.

Automation offers a powerful solution to these challenges, but are you ready?

January 16, 2025 @ 2:00pm EST

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